Spread Ubuntu

SpreadUbuntu is a website that acts as a respository for editable marketing materials. The project was successful enough that I became an Ubuntu member with an @ubuntu.com email address and voting privileges. http://spreadubuntu.org

Project Progress Tracker

This is a web application that I made in my free time that helps a company to track open tasks, project documents and data, and assignments for projects, which can then be shared with the customer. It uses Semantic UI and Drupal 8.

Robotic Controls

I made this website in Drupal 7 to share expertise on mechatronics. It is primarily Arduino and Raspberry Pi related things. It is now my most popular website based on all time usage statistics in Google Analytics. https://robotic-controls.com

Cloud Edit

Cloud edit is a hosted platform that helps programmers on the go. At first it was meant for university students who are often using different computers and would like a way to collaborate and have access to their own projects from anywhere. The service uses HTML5 web storage to download Read more…